HVAC School 应用

HVAC School 2.1.0
HVAC School
An app for users to engage with tech tips and podcast episodes fromHVAC School
MechPic 2.0.1
HVAC School
MechPic gives tradespeople a platform to share their imageswithother industry workers and download pictures, diagrams, andeditedimages for their own purposes. MechPic is aspecializedimage-sharing platform for tradespeople andfieldworkers. It allowsusers to upload shareable images that giveattribution to thecreator in accordance with Creative CommonsShareAlike 4.0International rules. Users may also download otherusers’ photos toassist them with their own work or education.MechPic is sharingplatform for technicians to locate and shareimages of wiringdiagrams, equipment failures, and other fieldworkfindings theywon’t find in any textbook or manufacturer literature.WithMechPic, you can: Upload photos from your device Edit youruploadedimage by adding arrows or text Receive credit foryourcontributions via watermark Download other users’ images Labelandorganize your uploads by adding relevant tags
Kalos Field
HVAC School
Application for Kalos Servicess, Inc employees